Monday, September 15, 2008

Easy to propagate annuals: Coleus

My earliest memory of propagating with cuttings is all about coleus. My dad always had at least two thriving Coleus plants on our living room window and jars and glass vases all around our home were filled with brightly colored Coleus' cuttings, some rooted and ready to be planted at all times.

It's probably that memory of my childhood that makes me feel that Coleus is an all time easiest plant to root - by simply sticking its cutting in water.

Although, I have to warn you that rooting in water produces quite brittle roots and careful planting is recommended.

But if you propagate as described in this post, Coleus is your almost guaranteed success.

With plenty of moisture, every plant will add a big splash of color to any proper space.

Coleus can grow 2 to 3 feet in height and width. not that different cultivars have different sun requirements.


1 comment:

Bethany said...

This is the coolest photo ever. I am so jealous of your amazing coleus cuttings! Great blog. So glad I found you.

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