Thursday, May 7, 2009

How plants are useful to us

Every plant has its role in the chain of natural life on planet Earth. And I'm not talking about cleaning the air, preserving the top soil layer, providing food for humans and animals alike - or anything like that.

This morning, after I was done with watering, I grabbed my grass shears and cut the grass around the round flower beds edgers. The grass grows faster there - than anywhere else on the property. No wonder, it gets more nutrients (that escape from better soil in the flower bed) and escaped water.

Fiskars Cutting - Grass Shears
Photo courtesy of Fiskars Garden

While cutting the grass blades and laying them carefully over the bare spots of soil in the nearest bed, I all of a sudden realized how very beneficial every plant is, even the kind that most people call a weed. If nothing else, a weed can become a mulch or a compost, providing nutrients and preserving the water - helping other plants thrive.

So, even the 'plant that mastered every aspect of plant life except for where to grow' (definition of a weed I read somewhere) - deserves some appreciation when turned into a mulch or compost.


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