Friday, July 11, 2008

Florida Manatees

Some interesting facts about the gentle giants:
  • they only have molars to grind their food

  • they chew two times per second

  • manatee teeth are constantly being replaced as they wear down and fall out (like shark's)

  • the intestine of an adult manatee can measure up to 130 feet in length

  • from 1974 to 2002 as many as 1164 Manatees have been killed because of boating accidents

  • they only breath through their nostrils

  • manatees can hold their breath for up to 24 minutes

  • manatee lungs are 2/3 the length of its body

  • a manatee cannot turn its head sideways, it must turn its whole body

  • it takes 13 months for a manatee to be born

  • manatee calves spend two years with their mothers learning the migration routes

  • manatees have no natural predators

  • they can die if the water they live in gets too cold

  • manatees live in fresh water


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